Random Variables :: random thoughts deep and wide
Tuesday, 27. January 2004
J. Randal Matheny

My Bible verse to express my aspirations, prayers, and hopes for 2004 is 2 Timothy 4.5: "But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry" (NIV).

Read James Burton's commentary on this verse.

Read about The Snuggery, my place of work, my partial bibliography, and even details of my bio.


Christian Poets -- discussion, crits, poetry, and more.
Cloudburst Poetry -- a weekly, spirited poem of rhyme and meter in your inbox.
Forthright Magazine -- daily articles for spiritual edification.
UPLift -- get a lift with UPLift, fresh quotes, short verse, pithy perspectives, sometimes taken from Random Variables.
BZeal news and reports -- stay up to date with our work and the church's progress.


Christian Poets -- the real action is on the email list.
Forthright Magazine -- the online version, where you can pipe up.
Brazilian Zeal -- news of the work and church in Brazil.
Alcance -- our main Brazilian website.


Bible Study Forum -- Solid stuff.
church-of-Christ email group -- a really friendly and supportive bunch. I'm the most absent moderator. :)


Mailing address:
Caixa Postal 11
Sao Jose dos Campos, SP
12201-970 -- Brazil

Telephone: (11-55-12) 3942-7753

Messenger (seldom connected):
AOL/AIM: randalmatheny
Yahoo: randalmatheny
ICQ: 304284039
MSN: randal32916{{at}}hotmail.com


A few links

For years 1-18: In Greene County, Ark.: Hooker, Stonewall, Lafe, Marmaduke, Paragould.

Henderson, Tenn. (college, 1975-79)
Shiloh, Tenn. (1979-80)
Ashland, Miss. (1981)
Abilene, Tex. (1982-83)
Paragould, Ark. (Jan.-Nov. 1984)
Belo Horizonte (MG) Brazil (1984-94)
Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil (1995-present)


My reading list
My wish list

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