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Sunday, 20. June 2004
Bibliography for J. Randal Matheny

This is the form of name (J. Randal Matheny) I use when publishing material. Though sometimes editors have dropped the first initial, and a couple of times it appeared with two "L's" on Randal. At least, the Lord and my mother know who I am.

Some articles have been lost in ancient history. In the 80s I wrote an article for Heartland Harvest and another or two for publications whose names even are obscured by the haze of years.

21st Century Christian

"Running Away," 55 (1 Oct 1992): 25.

Christian Chronicle

"Fifth Congregation in Brazil Ordains Elders," 54(1 Aug 1997): 26.

Global Harvest

"Starting a Congregation in Brazil," 1 (Summer 2004): 42.

Gospel Advocate

"Endless Supply of Power," 122 (24 Jul 1980): 462.
"Parachurches and the Local Church," 142 (1 Jul 2000): 22.
"Who's Doing the Work of the Church?" 141 (1 Dec 1999): 27.
"God Named Them Man" (submitted).
"Books by Brethren that Have Benefited Me" (submitted 2004 July 7; published, but I've not seen it).

Magnolia Messenger

"X-treme Thrills," Nov/Dec 2002: 17.

Power for Today

Various devotionals in the 90s. I found these:
"All Dressed Up with Somewhere to Go," 42 (Oct-Dec 1996): 7.
"Cutting Through the Resistance," 40 (Apr-Jun 1995): 86.
"Doves and Hawks," 40 (Jul-Set 1995): 18.
"Safe in God," 40 (Apr-Jun 1995): 17.
"Take Your Pick," 40 (Apr-Jun 1995): 10.
"The Lifted-Up Christ," 40 (Apr-Jun 1995): 41.
"The Name of the Game," 40 (Jan-Mar 1995): 48.
"The Signature of Death," 40 (Jul-Set 1995): 16.
"To See Jesus," 42 (Oct-Nov 1996): 55.

Voice of Truth International

"Brazil," .
"How to Stay Strong When Trouble Comes," vol. 38, pp. 81-82.
"The Valley of Trouble," vol. 39, pp. 94-95.
"Get a Life," vol. pp. 68-69.
"Growing," vol. 42, p. 57.


"Tired Out by the Journey," " in Chattels of the Heart, Patricia Wolf, ed. (Summer 2004): 15-16.
"Life that Matters," " in Chattels of the Heart, Patricia Wolf, ed. (Spring 2004): 4.
"The Least I Can Do," in Randy Cassingham, ed., The Best of Heroic Stories, vol. 2.

Book reviews

Secret to Waking Up the Pew Potatoes, by John-Mark Wilson, in Gospel Advocate, 145 (1 April 2003): 4.
Fire in My Bones, vol. 2, by Glover Shipp, in Gospel Advocate, 146 (1 July 2004): 4. (Brief, unsigned, mention given in Christian Chronicle as well.)

Works of Poetry (in chronological order)


"The Man I Want to Be," in The Voice of Truth International, ed. J. C. Choate, vol. 32, inside cover.
"As Far as Grace May Last," in Time of Singing,, ed. Lora H. Zill, 28 (Winter 2001/2002): 34.
"Off the Paper," in Time of Singing, ed. Lora H. Zill, 28 (Winter 2001/2002): 31.
"Young David," in Möbius, The Poetry Magazine,, Jean Hull Herman, ed., (Spring & Summer, 2002): 15.
"No Greater Love," in Möbius, The Poetry Magazine,, Jean Hull Herman, ed., (Spring & Summer, 2002): 20.
"New York, September, 2001," in Möbius, The Poetry Magazine,, Jean Hull Herman, ed., (Spring & Summer, 2002): 35.
"As Far as Grace May Last," in Chattels of the Heart, Patricia Wolf, ed., (Summer 2002): 10.
"The Gurgling Brook," in Chattels of the Heart, Patricia Wolf, ed., (Summer 2002): 10.


"Fallen Stars," in Paragould Daily Press, Feb. 8, 2003.
"Ruby Stones," in The Discerning Poet, Margaret L. Been, ed. (Summer 2003): 4.
"Deprived Addict," in Möbius, The Poetry Magazine, Jean Hull Herman, ed., 18 (Spring and Summer, 2003): 57.
"Your Will Be Done," in Möbius, The Poetry Magazine, Jean Hull Herman, ed., 18 (Spring and Summer, 2003): 70.
"A Water Basin," in Chattels of the Heart Patricia Wolf, ed. (Summer 2003): 16.
"Their Only Hope," in Christian Bible Teacher, Bob Connel, ed., 47 (August 2003): 184.
"Holding Out Hope," in Tiny Lights: A Journal of Personal Essay, Susan Bono, ed. (9th annual contest issue, vol. 9, no. 1): 11. [One of my many couplets.]


"Both Prayer and Pains" in The Scripture Standard, Robert Marsden, ed., 71 (January 2004): 16.
"God Without Peer" in The Bible Meditator, Don Ruhl, ed. Accepted.
"Results" in Chattels of the Heart, Patricia Wolf, ed. (Summer 2004): 16.
"On the Jungle Floor" in Chattels of the Heart, Patricia Wolf, ed. (Autumn 2004): inside front cover.


"20 Seconds to Die," in Daily Wisdom, 13 Jan 1999.
"Affirmatives" column on Morrock News Digest (February 2000-March 2002).
"Building on the Rock," in E-Youth.
Heartlight has published a handful of articles. Plop "matheny" in the search and read'em.
"I'm Proud to Be a Christian," on Heartlight's Prayer for the Nation, 21 Feb 2002.
"No Hesitation," also on Heartlight, but didn't show up in search.
"The Name," and "Paces" (April 2003) on ThisChristianLife.com.
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