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Monday, 25. October 2004
As bad as I thought
"Browning ... tells us that what won him for Christ was this, that while others tried to soothe his angry conscience, and kept urging that, really, things were not nearly so bad as he was making out, Christ looked him in the eyes and told him bluntly that he was a desperate sinner, worse, much worse, even than he realized. And that, queerly enough as you might think, the man was not discomfited but heartened. Here at last, he felt, is one who understands and knows the facts. And since His desperate diagnosis is so accurate, may not His optimism also justify itself even in me. Well does He know what is in human nature, and yet, knowing the worst, He still has confident hope." --A. J. Gossip (1873-1954), The Galilean Accent (1926) Indeed, Christ is the ultimate realist, and the ultimate optimist, for he, and he alone, is able to change our sordid reality into glory.
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