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Pleased with the result

I was pleased with the outcome of the sermon this morning. As mentioned earlier, I'm doing a series entitled, "Why I'm Still Just a Christian." Today's sermon was "Because God is Love," with John 3:16 as text.

From the congregation's reaction, it's hard to tell how it was received. They've never been encouraged to compliment others' work, so it's the rare moment that I hear a comment on a lesson or sermon. (Of course, it could be the quality of my teaching and preaching. There's always that to consider.)

I've worked hard at different times to praise people in the congregation for their good works, but I can't tell that it's forming a habit among us.

There are those who think you shouldn't compliment others, since it would swell their heads or cause them to be proud. Maybe. I tend to think from what I read in Scripture, that it encourages and stimulates people to continue on, do better, go higher.

Jesus praised people for their faith and perseverance, Paul praised even the problematic Corinthians in some things.

To do things for praise is one thing, a bad trait. To praise people for doing right, that's something altogether different. And something we need more of.

What do you think?

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Forgetting and Being Forgotten

I'm reading an old volume of sermons by theologian Paul Tillich, The Eternal Now -- see previous entry with bibliographic info. I picked it up for two bucks in Terrell, Texas, while visiting with old friends Mike and Susan Landon. He and I stopped in at a used bookstore and I came away with several good prizes.

Tillich's existentialism and "ground of being" shines through -- and I'm only on the second sermon, "Forgetting and Being Forgotten." But he takes some angles on texts and ideas that bear further thought. I'm really enjoying the read so far.

He's completely wrong on what the "last judgment" is all about, "to separate in us, as in everything, what has true and final being from what is merely transitory and empty of true being." Some true beings will be finally and completely separated from God. As such, one cannot even say he is truly Christian. But so many good thoughts!

He says, "Life could not continue without throwing the past into the past, liberating the present from its burden."

Mull it over.

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Twice withdrawn

Here's something that not a few have yet to figure out: "Whoever strives to withdraw from obedience, withdraws from grace." --Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

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"Patience and perserverence have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish." -- John Quincy Adams (1767-1848), 6th US President

Is there really any other option? This, or lie down and die. Or perhaps some have died and have yet to lie down.

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Change agents


In industry, they're a positive force, supposedly. Chris Turner gives nine tips for change agents. Can you find any parallels, positive or negative, in spiritual change agents?


Okay, I took the first sentence from each point given in the linked article. Here's what I came up with.

1. Be open to data at the start. A closed mind is the first sign of a fuddy-duddy, a hide-bound Bible banger.

2. Network like crazy. The more people you can get in on your project to stir things up, the better.

3. Document your own learning. Just don't be to specific, learn to hedge, to redefine. Watch out for people who want to pin you down on doctrine.

4. Take senior management along. The more elders, deacons, and preachers you can win over, the further you'll go.

5. No fear! Remember, the great majority, though silent, are with you.

6. Be a learning person yourself. But never let the biblical evidence sway you away from your certainty that it's mostly opinion, anyway.

7. Laugh when it hurts. But it's better if you can laugh when the other side hurts.

8. Know the business before you try to change anything. Know who's close to whom, who the main figures are, how to weasle your way into the power structure.

9. Finish what you start. Rome wasn't built in a day, so you won't get the old fogeys to move quickly. Slow and steady will bring you success.

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