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Our little girl's first swim meet

Leila has been swimming for several years, but most inhouse, first at Nactiluca Swim Club and now at Swim America near our house. She has really great form in the water. Last week a swim coach for a different class saw her swim and invited her to the swim meet. She goes twice a week and doesn't train for competition, but we thought it would be a good experience for her.

So Thursday, Labor Day holiday, off we go to the neighboring city of Jacareí. Below are pictures I shot of her during the meet.

Leila (center, back) waits for the 10-year-old female trial to be called. She's a little nervous.

Concentrated is the word.

And they're off!

There were almost 15 in her trial, she in the first group of three.

She makes it first in the group.

Everyone gets a medal for participation. People were in the way for the award. (I held the camera out from me and shot, but took bad aim.) She got fifth place, not bad considering she hadn't trained for it. Winning time was 32s and something. She had 39.75s.

Leila, two medals around neck, with the swim coach who invited her to the meet. Not her regular coach, but he was very encouraging to her.

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